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Found 8318 results for any of the keywords canal trust. Time 0.006 seconds.
How to join the Chesterfield Canal Trust - Chesterfield Canal TrustYou can download our Membership form by clicking here. Please ensure that you complete the Gift Aid section if you are a UK taxpayer as it enables us to claim tax back on your membership contribution. The completed form
Coombeswood Canal Trust |We provide boatyard facilities services on the BCN including cheaper diesel, coal Calor. Visitor moorings, slipway, hardstanding, laundry and pumpout and much more on the Dudley No.2 canal a part of the Birmingham Ca
the-chesterfield-canal-trust-help-to-restore-the-last-nine-milesThe Chesterfield Canal is one of the most beautiful and varied waterways in England. It runs for 46 miles from the River Trent to Chesterfield.
Volunteering - Chesterfield Canal TrustThe Trust is run entirely by volunteers. This means that we do not get paid for what we do; it does not mean that we are amateurish or sloppy. In fact much of the work done is of a superbly professional standard. This is
Lapal Canal Trust NEWS AND UPDATES FROM THE DUDLEY No.2 CANAL RESTORRestoring the Dudley No.2 Canal from Leasowes Park (Halesowen) to Selly Oak (Birmingham) and connecting it to the Worcestershire and Birmingham Canal
Meet the Team Lapal Canal TrustAndrew was born in Birmingham. He studied Medicine at Birmingham University, from where he used to walk home regularly over the Canal where it crossed under Harborne Lane. After graduation he was a Birmingham GP for over
Donations - Chesterfield Canal TrustHelp to restore the last nine miles
Membership and Application Lapal Canal TrustPlease download and fill out our membership application form. This can be done either by a word processor e.g. Microsoft Word or by hand (then scan the completed form.)
BBC - Black Country - Places - Life on the narrowboatsA small group of Halesowen residents now own one of the Black Country's most picturesque marinas. They tell us about life on the water and the work of Coombeswood Canal Trust.
Exploring the Leeds Liverpool Canal | Towpath TalkTowpath Talk is Britain’s biggest and most popular inland waterways publication. It serves the waterways community with all the latest news and there’s everything you need to know about boats, marinas, wildlife, conserva
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